Podcast 145: Most Common Mistakes Investors Keep Making with Dani Beit-Or
With over 18 years of experience investing in US real estate, Dani uses his knowledge and experience to secure financial growth for beginners to experienced investors.
Since 2004, Dani has worked with many hundreds of investors on close to 5,000 transactions, helping them to build strong real estate property portfolios by investing in various US metros. Dani helps beginners and experienced investors by customizing each strategy based on experience, age, goals, knowledge, and financial abilities.
(00:02 – 1:58) Opening Segment
– Introduction of the host into the show
– Alpesh introduces the guest of the show, Dani
– Dani shares something interesting about himself
(1:58 -20:26 )Most Common Mistakes Investors Keep Making
– When and How did you start investing in real estate?
– Alpesh shared his similar investment journey with stocks, futures, and ROI with Dani
– Where are your investments right now?
– How do you pick markets for yourself?
– Which markets do you prefer right now in 2021?
– What are some of the common mistakes investors make?
– As an investor, move away from your computer
– Are there any other mistakes you see from investors
– Clarify what are your fears
-Identify the concern and the risk
-Create yourself a baseline criteria
(20:26 – 21:01) Break
– Welcoming listeners and guest back to the show
(21:01 – 28:13) Fire Round
– Will Dani change the business strategy after Coronavirus?
– Dani’s favorite real estate, finance, or other related books
– Tools or website Dani recommends
– Dani’s advice to beginner investors
– How does Dani give back?
– How can Wealth Matters Podcast listeners reach out to Dani?
(28:13 – 28:34) Closing Segment
If you want to learn more about the discussion, you can watch the podcast on Wealth Matter’s YouTube channel and you can reach out to Alpesh using this link
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