049: How to Invest in A Market Like California with Anthony Walker
What are things to keep in mind while investing in expensive real estate markets?
Anthony is a managing broker of Buckingham Investments. He is a reliable advisor where he assists his clients to achieve financial independence & retirement security. Through investing in multi-family income property. He believes that wealth is not created only at the time of purchase. It is created through education and planning.
He teaches frequent seminars on many aspects of investing and has been an invited guest speaker at multiple educational institutions and trade organizations throughout Southern California. Practicing the investment philosophy he teaches, Anthony has also developed an extensive portfolio of income property, the vast majority of which is located in the local Greater South Bay of Los Angeles.
The topics in the podcast are:
- When and why did you start investing in real estate?
- Personally, I don’t invest in California because I don’t like gambling.
- What are different ways for investors to make money in a market like California?
- Give some things investors need to consider while investing in expensive real estate markets?
- How do you analyze the deal and location?
- Can you share us some of your mistakes in the past?
- Telll us about your best deal and worst deal?
- Any advice you can give your younger self knowing what you now?
To learn more about the discussion, you can watch the podcast on Wealth Matter’s YouTube channel or contact Alpesh here.