Podcast 308: How to Find the Best Areas for Investing with John Casmon
John Casmon is a real estate entrepreneur, who has partnered with busy professionals to invest in over $100 million worth of apartments. John also consults active multifamily investors to help them start or grow their business. He hosts the Multifamily Insights podcast (formerly Target Market Insights) and is the co-creator of the Midwest Real Estate Networking Summit. Prior to becoming a full-time investor, John worked in corporate America, overseeing marketing campaigns for General Motors, Nike and Coors Light.
*DISCLAIMER – We are not giving any financial advice. Please DYOR*
(00:00 – 03:40) Opening Segment
– John is introduced as the guest Host
– John shares something interesting about himself
(03:40 – 28:33) How to find the best areas for investing
– John shares his first real estate investment and what he is invested in now
– John shares on finding the best areas for investing
– He also shares what kind of tools that he used to study the data
– Also he shares how he build a new team in a new area
– John shares some of his mistakes in his investments
– He also shares his worst and best deal so far
(28:33 – 31:55) Fire Round
– John shares if she would change his investment strategy
– John also shares his favorite Finance, real estate book, or any related book
– Also John shares about the website and tools that he can recommend
– John’s advice to beginner investors
– Also shared how he gives back
(31:55 – 33:03) Closing Segment
-If you want to learn more about the discussion, you can watch the podcast on Wealth Matter’s YouTube channel and you can reach out to Alpesh using this link.
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