Podcast 311: Create a Side Hustle While Working Full-time with Felecia Froe
Felecia Froe, MD is the owner of Money With Mission, an investment company focused on empowering professional women to build wealth and achieve financial freedom through social impact investing.
As a real estate syndicator, Felecia has partnered with like-minded investors and has raised money for several social impact projects, including a residential assisted living home in Kansas City, Missouri, and, with her partners at the Eco Alliance Group, she has worked to provide healthy food options to food desert areas with indoor vertical farms and grocery stores. In addition to real estate investing, Dr. Froe is a licensed urological surgeon with over 20 years of experience.
She has written many Best Selling books including “How to Create Wealth that Outlives You”.
Plus, she is an advocate for sharing the great work others are doing for their community through her podcast Money With Mission Podcast.
*DISCLAIMER – We are not giving any financial advice. Please DYOR*
(00:00 – 03:47) Opening Segment
– Felecia is introduced as the guest Host
– Felecia shares something interesting about himself
(03:47 – 24:19) Create a Side Hustle While working Full time
– Felecia shares her very first investment and how it works out for her
– Felecia tells why side hustles are important
– She shares how she creates side hustle with a full-time work/job
– Also she shares how she manages her time
– Felecia talked about who would be a great candidate for the 831B plan
– He also shares why is it important to have multiple streams of income for women
– Also Felecia shares some of her mistakes with her investment
– Felecia shares her best investment so far
(24:19 – 28:55) Fire Round
– Felecia shares if she would change his investment strategy
– Felecia also shares his favorite Finance, real estate book, or any related book
– Also Felecia shares about the website and tools that she can recommend
– Felecia’s advice to beginner investors
– Also shared how she gives back
(28:55 – 29:48) Closing Segment
-If you want to learn more about the discussion, you can watch the podcast on Wealth Matter’s YouTube channel and you can reach out to Alpesh using this link.
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