Podcast 318: Expert Level Due Diligence as a Passive Investor with Brandon Cobb
With us today is Brandon Cobb, CEO at HBG Capital and an expert real estate consultant and investor. He has been featured in REI Wealth Magazine and Forbes. He’s here to share some actionable advice about using Real Estate Investing as a way to create passive income, how to hire A+ rockstars, and systems and processes you can use to grow your business.
*DISCLAIMER – We are not giving any financial advice. Please DYOR*
(00:00 – 02:15) Opening Segment
– Brandon is introduced as the guest Host
– Brandon shares something interesting about himself
(02:15 – 23:31) Expert-level due diligence as a passive Investor
– Why is due diligence important for passive investors?
– How can due diligence be simplified?
(23:31 – 26:09) Fire Round
– Brandon shared if he would change his investment strategy
– Brandon also shares his favorite Finance, real estate book, or any related book
– Also Brandon shared about the website and tools that he can recommend
– Brandon’s advice to beginner investors
– Also shared how he gives back
(26:09 – 28:31) Closing Segment
-If you want to learn more about the discussion, you can watch the podcast on Wealth Matter’s YouTube channel and you can reach out to Alpesh using this link.
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